Presented by Red Ryder Productions

Red Ryder is Script Teasing

Red Ryder is Script Teasing

11 – 22 Nov

  • AGES


  • TIME


Play readings are fun too

2 weeks, 6 plays, 1 night each 

This November the Blue Room Theatre is our salon, and you’re invited. 

We love our playwrights sweating away in ivory towers (or at their Mum’s house). We love the words on the page. But our artform must, at its most essential, be heard. So, lend us your ears. 

A range of scripts to be announced – The hot new international sensation? The one from the canon by the dead, white guy? The one you have to study for school? Because how many plays have you heard of but never heard? We know, right! 

Let’s sit around the campfire (or LEDs) and tell stories, in an effort to understand. 

Great actors, great scripts and great conversations. Join us. 

Photography by Taje Singh
  • Producers

    Alison van Reeken
    Benj D’Addario
    Emily McLean