900 Seconds (of Storytelling)

20 Jan - 23 Jan
The Blue Room Theatre -
7PM + 4.30PM SAT -
Curated by Jo Morris
900 seconds of anything goes. This year, everyone’s favourite short works program returns with 50% more seconds! Across three weeks, artists will respond to their curator and mentors provocation, with each week presenting a new slate of works.
The first week of 900 Seconds is curated and mentored by award-winning performer Jo Morris, who is pumped to curate a season with the power of a good story at its core.
What’s Poppin’ by Elise Wilson & Christopher Moro
Poppy is a pore amongst thousands of other pores on Stevie’s face. She wants to stand out. This comedic storytelling solo will squeeze the laughter right out of you. Let’s hope it doesn’t scar.
What Are the Odds? by Anna Lindstedt & Courtney Cavallaro
The odds of Courtney winning this game of checkers are pretty high. The odds that a cow will fall through the roof, landing on Anna and killing her instantly are even higher.
APPLEBY by Claire Appleby
One day I took the home videos from my dad’s camera. One day I sat down and actually watched them. That day was the first time I saw through his eyes.
Avareh آواره & Found by Asha Kiani & Collaborators
A visual poem; a creative expression that bears witness to the lived experiences of First and Second Generation Iranian-Australians.
Call Me by Jen Jamieson
For 24 hours a day during 900 Seconds, Jen will answer a phone and talk. To whoever calls – a group phone line. The phone will always be answered and the questions will always be answered. No screen, no FaceTime, just lying down on the floor, legs up on a chair and talking.