Hi there. Thank you for your interest in ALL BOYS. Please find below some more context about the content warnings if you would like to know more information. We would also like to emphasise that this show is not trauma porn. It has been through many developments and readings and the team have treated it with care, love and kindness throughout. It’s also a really funny show. We hope you come to see it 🙂

We want to acknowledge the brave work of the writer, director and actors who have helped make ALL BOYS. We also want to acknowledge that in watching the show, you, as an audience member may have been impacted in ways that you were not expecting and that talking with family or friends about your experience may be helpful. Additionally, the following resources may be helpful for you to seek more information.

  • 1800 RESPECT – 1800RESPECT is the national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service.
  • Teach Us Consent – A not-for-profit on a mission to eradicate normalised sexual violence
  • Man Up – MAN UP is a social enterprise, peer-to-peer education service in WA, engaging young men around the state.
  • 20Talk – 20Talk is mental health charity that provides young adults aged 18-30 with the tools and skills to tackle life’s challenges.
  • headspace – headspace is Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation, providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds.
  • QLife – QLife provides anonymous and free LGBTIQ+ peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about sexuality, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.


Please note, the following content contains spoilers.



  • There is an act of sexual violence committed. Specifically, a group of older schoolboys masturbate on another character in the form of a hazing ritual. In the same scene, there is a punch up on the character who was hazed.
  • There are references to paedophilia and violence against young people in a religious institutional setting.
  • There is off stage self-inflicted violence. A character later appears on stage with a cast, implying what they have done to themselves.
  • There is mention of a character sexually assaulting a woman.
  • There is a scene depicting implied rape.
  • There is a scene where one character almost breaks another character’s arm.


Coarse language

  • Frequent course language is used throughout the play. This includes swearing, homophobic, racist, ableist and misogynistic slurs.


Adult concepts

  • The characters often talk about sex and sexual acts, usually in a context where they are trying to assert dominance and/ or unhealthy displays of masculinity.
  • In the latter half the play, characters sell drugs, which are depicted on stage.
  • There is mention of a parental figure committing suicide.



  • One character will appear without a shirt for a brief scene.


Smoke machine / hazer

  • There is use of a haze machine


Strobe lighting

  • There is short use of flashing lights.



  • There is a short moment of loud sound design.