Shadow of Doubt

Shadow of Doubt Extended Content & Trigger Warnings


Please note that the following content warnings contain spoilers of the production.

Trigger Warning: This production contains adult themes, coarse language, coercive language and references to physical assault.


Shadow of Doubt is a confronting and emotionally intense production that delves into the insidious nature of coercive control and domestic abuse. While the play does not depict graphic physical violence, it contains scenes that may be distressing for some audience members. These moments are crafted to reflect the lived realities of many individuals who have experienced abuse, and they explore the subtleties of manipulation, power imbalances, and emotional control.

The play includes:

  • Emotional and Psychological Abuse– Characters engage in tactics that undermine self-worth, such as belittling remarks, dismissing concerns, and shifting blame.
  • Physical Violence – Three incidents of physical violence are described. These include 1) one character pushing the other against a wall, 2) one character kicking another which causes them to fall and hit their head, and 3) one character throwing an acidic substance on another, causing burns. None of these incidents are physically seen on stage, however all are described.
  • Coarse Language – Offensive language includes (but isn’t limited to) ‘bastard’, ‘fuck’, ‘shit’, ‘cunt’, ‘dick’, ‘bitch’, ‘fucks sake’.
  • Aggressive Verbal Language – Characters use aggressive language in heated, and emotional arguments and interactions. This includes name calling and aggressive accusations.
  • Suicide – One character expresses the desire to take their own life and threatens suicide. The play explores this as a means of emotional abuse and control.
  • Manipulation and gaslighting– The play portrays scenarios where one partner manipulates another, distorting reality, causing the other to question their own perception, and judgment.
  • Coercive control in relationships– The gradual isolation of one character, the monitoring of their movements, and the erosion of their autonomy are central to the narrative. These scenes highlight how control can be exerted through subtle restrictions, possessiveness disguised as care, and the slow breakdown of personal freedoms.
  • Legal proceedings related to domestic violence– The play depicts elements of the court system and legal battles surrounding domestic abuse cases. This includes numerous scenes of ‘testimony’, where characters speak to their experiences of the relationship, the abuse that took place, and the physical incidents mentioned above. These scenes explore the challenges victim-survivors face in being believed, the weight of evidence in abuse cases, and the emotional toll of seeking justice.
  • Sickness – One character becomes unwell with food poisoning and gags multiple times.

A play that delves into manipulation and emotional abuse can deeply affect audience members who have experienced feeling “crazy” or doubting their instincts. For those who have been in controlling, isolating relationships, watching such dynamics on stage can be unsettling. It may be especially distressing for those who have gone through domestic violence legal proceedings or know someone who has. These moments can trigger painful memories for anyone who has felt devalued, unheard, or emotionally dependent in a past relationship.


Support & Resources

We recognise that these themes may evoke strong emotional reactions, particularly for those with lived experience of domestic abuse or coercive control. Your well-being is important to us, and we encourage audience members to engage with the material at their own comfort level.

To ensure a supportive environment:

  • quiet space will be available in the theatre foyer for those who need a moment to step away.
  • Support materials from our partner organisation, Starick, will be accessible before and after the performance, providing guidance on available resources and assistance.

If you or someone you know is affected by domestic abuse, please seek help. Further resources are available on the link ‘SUPPORT AND RESOURCES’ on Shadow Of Doubt.