
4 – 8 Feb
16+ -
45 mins
Implied violence and smoking; and mild coarse language
A family Christmas revival.
Harriet was undead. Now she’s not. Somehow, that’s not so simple for her family to understand. Having been in remission for 8 months, Harriet is sure that hosting her family’s Christmas lunch will prove that she’s back in control. Then things can go back the way they used to be. But when Anne, Bronte and Mark look at Harriet, they must try hard to see past the memory of gnashing teeth and the old bike chain they used to secure her in the basement.
Pull a Christmas cracker, eat some ham, and join Harriet’s family as they try not to talk about the one thing they desperately want to. Braindead is a biting new story that brings to the table not only the feeling of being changed, but also the uncomfortable awareness that everyone has witnessed the process.
Writer / Director
Izzy Stonehouse
Daniela Da Costa
Lighting Designer / Sound Designer / Stage Manager
Anaïs Asotoff
Anna Harris
Daniela Da Costa
Matthew Bryan
Eleanor Rowe