China For The June Wedding

China june wedding

29 April – 3 May

  • AGES

  • TIME


    Approx. 80 mins

For some, life is a cactus

A Paris apartment. Christmas has been and gone, but in Montmartre, the fireworks are just beginning. 3 expat housemates are back together – Max, the rising tennis star with a tongue as sharp as her serve, Louise, the unstable pastry chef who lives from one fragile dream to the next and the ever-sympathetic undergrad, Birdie, caught in between.

Louise has had to fight to get to Paris from the ‘hick town’ in Australia she’s come from. And as everything in Louise’s life goes flying out the window she’d prefer to dream than face the spikes of reality. ‘For some people, life is a cactus! You have to grab it with gloves on. Beautiful white, silk gloves … that’s how I learnt to grab life.’

A love triangle, a Grand Slam and an open apartment window.

Written by Hungerford shortlisted author Howard McKenzie-Murray and directed by award-winning actor Adam-Sollis


Photography by Taje Singh
  • Writer / Producer

    Howard McKenzie-Murray

  • Director / Producer

    Adam Sollis

  • Set Design

    Natalie Scholtz

  • Lighting Design

    Matt Erren

  • Performers

    Hannah Anderson
    Cezera Critti-Schnaars
    Amber Gilmore

  • Sound Designer

    Isla Simeoni