Whoops & Daisy

Development in Aug
Work in ProcessTwo mad scientists for the lil' ones
An all ages work about belonging, set in a science laboratory bursting to life with colourful experiments and a search for an Epic Serum. Kooky scientists Whoops and Daisy (Sam Nerida & Haydon Wilson) attempt to create a serum that makes everyone who drinks it ‘Epic’. The work will prioritise universal access for neurotypical and neurodiverse children alike.
This project has been supported by Barking Gecko Theatre as an All Ages Theatre Development as part of Winter Nights 2020. The project will be supported across two stages of development, and will allow the team to explore the possibilities in creating work for children and families.
This project is undertaking a development and will not present anything publicly as part of Winter Nights.
What is your development/work about and what happens?
Whoops & Daisy is a sensory show aimed at kids and families about a pair of mad scientists trying to come up with a magic concoction to make everyone epic. We’re hoping that no matter what the access needs of an audience member are, that we can provide them with a way into the work.
How are you developing your work?
We’re getting mentored by Sensorium Theatre, which is very exciting. No live outcome for Winter Nights, but likely later in the year. We’re making an audio diary, and really we’re just going to try to play around a lot, unlock our inner child, and have a lot of fun.
What are you excited about in this project, and what are you hoping to get out of it?
We’re so excited to be making a work for kids; we both have our own backgrounds in the all-ages field but haven’t created anything ourselves yet. We’re going to learn a lot about accessibility and participation in theatre, and about taking really good care of audiences.
What are you exploring?
Two things; one is what the experience of live performance can be outside of traditional sit, listen, watch. The other is thematic – creating moments that cultivate a sense of belonging and connection to others and the world around us by celebrating our own unique way of being.
Who is in your team or involved, and what is their role?
Haydon Wilson and Sam Nerida are the eponymous creators and performers of Whoops & Daisy. Later in the year we’ll be joined by Pavan Hari as our composer, and we’ll be bringing a designer on board to bring to life the kooky science world of the show.
Winter Nights 2020 supported by Minderoo Foundation
All Ages Theatre Development supported by Barking Gecko Theatre