Call for Nominations to the Board

Call for nominations to the board of Performing Arts Centre Society (trading as The Blue Room Theatre)
There are six positions open for election on the PACS board at the next AGM which will be held on Tuesday 20th of April 2020.
Being on the board of a not for profit can be a rewarding and enriching experience; it is a voluntary position that requires generosity of time and skills. The PACS Inc board is responsible for driving the strategic direction of the organisation whilst maintaining excellent financial health and accountability to laws and industry standards.
There are approximately 12 PACS Board and subcommittee meetings per year. The Board is made up of artists and arts administrators, as well as people skilled in human resources, sustainability, fundraising and financial management.
For a member to be eligible for election they must be nominated and seconded by a member of the society (this can include themselves). For the nomination to be accepted you will need to provide a brief bio of your relevant skills that can be included in the official notice of the AGM to all members along with instructions on voting.
The nomination must be received in writing by close of business on Tuesday 25 February either by electronic or hard mail addressed to Shane Colquhoun – Chair of the PACS Inc. Please email or send to PO Box 8369, Perth Business Centre 6849.
If you would like to see who currently sits on the board of PACS, head here.